The month of May blossoms with my dad, mom and sister’s birthdays. Along with Mother’s and Father’s Day approaching, it’s the perfect time to celebrate the contribution my family has made in my life. Including my two brothers to our 30 plus cousins, my Hungarian/Romanian heritage traditions are woven into my life tapestry.

My family helped form the strong and purposeful foundation on which Belightful was built. Throughout life’s ebbs and flows, joy was always a part of the equation.
One of four siblings who have all been entrepreneurs, and the daughter of true artists, I was raised to follow my own rhythm and carved a life path using my talents. Belightful was inspired by my love of travel, and appreciation of art, nature, creativity, movement and learning. My family instilled a sense of adventure and curiosity. They taught me the value of community and to have faith.
Together, my parents created a masterpiece of connection centered on a beautiful home. My dad’s open nature and amazing artwork (see samples below) has touched many lives. Happy 85th Birthday, Dad! My mom has always been the nurturing, glue bringing us together with her care and commitment.
My roots provided the fertile ground for Belightful to grow and blossom. I experienced the freedom to be me and the connection of family. Yoga means union. Let’s celebrate both our uniqueness and oneness as a human family.