There are so many advantages to being able to move through life with grace. Yet, many of us feel like we spend our days metaphorically tripping and fumbling.
As such, you may believe you have two left feet and the concept of attaining any sort of grace is unfathomable. It’s not though.
Every one of us is privy to the great freedom and hope offered by grace. And you needn’t completely overhaul your life. You can start by changing your perspective in a few small areas and adopting some fairly simple habits.
How To Move Through Life With Grace
Do you know the history behind the song “Amazing Grace”? It was written in the 1700s by a poet and clergyman named John Newton. He wrote it to shed light on his experience of being forced into slave trading. His hope was that the suffering would hear his song and find hope and faith in a better future.
It did just that.
Working from a space of grace can be life-changing. It has the potential to turn a potentially negative situation into a positive one. It focuses on being non reactive, but rather responsive to kindness, love, and acceptance. And though it is about faith, it is not affiliated with any one single religion on the planet.
So if you’re struggling to move through life with grace, allow us to suggest a few directives that could open you up to it:
1. Stay In the Moment
Worrying about the future and/or dwelling on the past is an energy drain. It also keeps your brain on overload so you may not notice all of the small and wonderful moments in your life.
Focusing on the present moment, however, reserves space in your mind to see the ‘small’ stuff that brings you grace. It also grounds you.
2. Get Out In Nature

One of the easiest ways to tap into the present moment is to get outside. This isn’t to say you have to take some sweeping action like go on a hike or plant a garden.
Even just a simple walk where you set an intention to breathe, notice, and appreciate what’s in front of you can open you up to all sorts of wonders. It could be something as grand as a massive old tree, or something as small as a flower growing from the crack of a sidewalk.
3. Simplify Your Schedule
Technology was supposed to make our lives easier. But many of us experience the opposite sensation. Since technology enables us to do more, we feel pressured to pack a lot more into the day.
Try to pull back whenever you can and notice when your schedule is suffocating you. Commit to focusing on something useful and meaningful. Perhaps create a small space that serves as your sanctuary. In these moments, grace will present itself.
4. Partake In a Daily Practice
While in the midst of carving out time for simplifying, consider setting aside time to develop some sort of daily practice. Again, this shouldn’t be a rigid and time-consuming practice. It could be even just a few minutes of journaling, reading something uplifting, yoga, meditation, mindfulness movement, practicing gratitude, praying, or setting intentions each day.
It may even be a combination.
5. Aim for Kindness and Compassion

We all have those days when we just want to vent and fume and maybe punch a pillow. That’s not necessarily wrong when done so mindfully.
But committing to come from a place of kindness and compassion whenever possible will enhance the well-being of the recipients as well as you. Any time we can put this sort of grace out into the world, it makes a difference for the better.
6. Ditch Drama and Welcome Peace
Are you someone who’s always wrapped up in some sort of drama? Whether it’s yours or someone else’s, it’s taking up space in your life that could be better utilized.
For some of us, drama feels normal. Giving it up might seem scary. But limiting your exposure to it in exchange for something more peaceful or useful is going to make you feel better in the long run.
It’s difficult to find grace amid constant chaos.
7. Live With Honesty
Living your truth is tough! It asks you to always be honest and to follow through on promises and commitments – both to others and to yourself. Again, this isn’t meant to be a dictate that makes you feel confined. Rather, when you commit to truly live from a place of honesty and it comes from your heart, it is empowering.
8. Support Yourself
Finally, if you’re not attending to caring for your body and mind lovingly, you’re limiting yourself. And all of the above advice will be harder to attain. If you’re not sure where to start on the journey of self-care, a certified life coach can help.
He or she will help you stay on track by regularly checking with you and holding you accountable for the promises you make. Once again, living from a place of honesty.
Are You Approaching Life with Grace?
If you’re seeking to move through life with grace, the simplest order is to just be you.

Yes, it’s challenging to let go of concerns about what other people think. At the end of the day though, if you are true to yourself, you will attract those who appreciate the REAL you.
So if you’re curious about how to get started with a regular mindfulness practice, contact us today. We offer mobile on-site and virtual yoga, life coaching, and meditation practices that will lead you to a more graceful and amazing life.